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See You In The AM: A Mental Health Podcast

See You In The AM:
A Mental Health Podcast

Welcome to the See You In The AM podcast where we explore the many facets of mental health and wellness, interview mental health experts and offer practical tips and resources to help you prioritize your mental wellness.

See You In The AM: An Introduction

See You In The AM: An Introduction

See You In The AM is not just a catchy name for our podcast, it's a reminder that we're in this together, and we're here to help each other through the challenges of mental health.

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Limiting Beliefs with Alina Shuvalova

Limiting Beliefs with Alina Shuvalova

"The simple idea of just believing in yourself, it's such a cliche thing to say, but that's everything...believing that you can change, believing that in your own abilities is everything."

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Protecting Your Pink with Mary Haug

Protecting Your Pink with Mary Haug

"The concept [of protecting your pink] comes from when flamingos are raising their baby flamingos their chicks. They are giving so much of their resources to that baby that they, their plumage, their feathers turn white... the same thing can apply to mothers or honestly, any caregiver, any role... When we are so focused on caring for our family, making sure that the needs of everyone else are met, it's really easy to put our needs on the back burner and soon we're feeling that slump of motherhood, of being lost in who we are."

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Understanding Grief with Nesreen Ahmed

Understanding Grief with Nesreen Ahmed

"I would just encourage people to continue to fight that fight, so to speak and stand up for and really prioritize what's most important to them. Because at the end of the day, we all get one life. We don't know what's gonna happen. We don't know what's coming. And if we compromise on the most important things then what are we doing with our time here?"

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Success with Your Enneagram Type with Kristen Edwards

Success with Your Enneagram Type with Kristen Edwards

"Wherever you are using it as a starting point, it's for the focus of self-awareness and growth. It's not just taking a quiz to take a quiz, it's to say, I'm taking this to have a foundation to know where I want to improve in my life or business next."

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Being Introverted with Vicky Regina

Being Introverted with Vicky Regina

"The more that you lean into your introverted spirit, the more that you shine without having to sacrifice your energy or without having to be overly exposed."

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Coming Back from Burnout with D'Layne Benson

Coming Back from Burnout with D'Layne Benson

"The overachievers, the perfectionists, the people-pleasers. There is so much stuff that we do and so many standards we hold ourselves to that are absolutely unnecessary."

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Athlete's Mindset & Mindfulness with Christian Straka

Athlete's Mindset & Mindfulness with Christian Straka

"From my own experience, when people talk about mindset, it refers to a perspective that one has on life, on performance, on a certain situation. And to change one's mindset can be synonymous with the ability to change one's perspective."

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Executive Functioning with Jenai Fitzpatrick

Executive Functioning with Jenai Fitzpatrick

"I think there's power in knowing what depletes you or what doesn't feel good. And so considering that and keeping that at the forefront, once you realize that and own it, you then allow yourself to start to see potential in your universe for different solutions on how to make it less painful, for different ways to perhaps start to let go."

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Connecting with Your Inner Nerd with Kris Quintana

Connecting with Your Inner Nerd with Kris Quintana

"What you think is your weakness is really your superpower. And that really is ... your inner nerd, but it's letting that out in a way that that quality of you gets to shine as a strength and you can learn to appreciate yourself that way and allow yourself to be more you."

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Relationship Coaching with Charity Shelton

Relationship Coaching with Charity Shelton

"The whole root of disappointments is missed needs to be clearly spelled out. And a lot of people don't actually do that because it's awkward or they weren't taught to, or, they have no idea how."

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